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Mentorship: benefits

When you participate in a healthy mentoring relationship, you reap benefits. It’s true that mentoring programs and participants can fall short of expectations. Mentoring in theory is great! But in reality, a mentoring relationship, like all relationships, takes time and cultivating to reap its optimal reward.


A good mentor is hard to find (NY Times)


Here are potential benefits for both mentors and protégés when the relationship is cultivated.


Benefits for Mentors


Skills are gained and growth is achieved. Specifically…


1. Enhanced leadership skills, from leading with intentionality.


The uber mentor (Peter Drucker) (Inc)


2. Increased emotional intelligence, from being more self and socially aware, which is critical in attaining the highest leadership positions.


3. Increased job satisfaction, because you’re actively contributing to the growth and development of another.


Friend for Life, People magazine article highlighting an unusual mentoring relationship


4. Increased confidence,(in the affirmation that you have value to give.


5. Knowledge is gained, because protégés can be pretty talented, themselves.


Benefits for Protégés


Skills are gained and growth is achieved. Specifically…


1. Professional growth can be considerably enhanced, because you listened to the sage advice of someone who’s been there…and who did that.


Did you know people with mentors make more money (Under 30 CEO)


2. Goal-setting becomes easier, more realistic, and obtainable than when working independently. You’re learning from someone else’s mistakes without having to go through the painful lessons yourself.


3. Greater insight into company culture is gained. Every company has its culture. If your mentor has been there longer, he or she can share fast-track information and help you navigate political waters faster.


Six reasons mentors tell 'failure' stories (Regi Campbell)


4. Ability to navigate political relationships. (See #3)


5. Confidence is gained, along with maturity and wisdom.


Sold? Then start cultivating those mentoring relationships! Here are some How-To's.


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