You ever had a story that kept coming across your radar? Sometimes, for me, it’s a book title or a person’s name, which generally makes me think I’m supposed to read that book or get to know that person.
Four times in a recent two-week period, a story about King Asa kept popping up, which made me think I needed the lesson it held. In case it didn’t pop up on your radar, I’ll remind you of the pertinent facts.
Asa, a descendent of Solomon, was king, and considered a good king generally. Scripture says his heart was in the right place, like David’s. But in his declining years he got bad feet. I’m not sure what the specific issue was. I, myself, have had plantar fasciitis and can tell you it wasn’t a cake walk. I can only imagine King Asa’s issue was worse.
Scripture says, almost in a footnote if you’ll allow me the pun, that Asa consulted physicians. This seems logical. I, myself, consulted a physical therapist…and Dr. Google…for my own foot woes. Asa’s position would have allowed him access to the best of his day. But it says he failed to “inquire of the LORD.” The LORD…who would have known something about Asa’s feet, as the maker of them.
As a result of Asa’s lack of inquiry, his feet did not get better. Being reminded that the LORD cares to be consulted was a wake-up call for me. I often hold back because…this seems so ridiculous as I type it…I find myself not wanting to bother Him. Or, telling myself He must tire of hearing about my personal distresses.
In the past several years I’ve had a number of woes/fears/distresses, and while I think I’ve consulted Him rather passionately on the ones concerning my health and the wellbeing of those I love, I admit I’ve been less quick to consult Him on matters like my writing. For fear of being self-indulgent. Perhaps this explains why I’ve hit so many walls in that category.
So…trying to turn a corner here, thanks to a lesson of bad feet.
Podcast is off to a great start
It’s been amazing to launch a podcast. A big thank you to everyone who has sent a kind message. If you haven’t already, please follow the podcast so you’ll get notices of new episodes. Also, please forward and share the links with others, and please consider leaving a review.
Talking to Lincoln Mick & Isaac Horn of The Arcadian Wild in my last episode (E:6) was beyond special. This band, whose latest album Welcome just released, is moving up the charts! Catch them on the Grand Ole’ Opry line-up next week on Aug. 16.

My interview with Tom Bancroft, former Disney animator, (E:7) releases tomorrow, Aug 7. It was a blast! In it, we learn how Tom and his twin brother, Tony, came to animation, and how they continue to make ripples in the industry. The Bancroft Brothers have their own podcast, if you’re interested.
Season 1 guests have amazed me with their personal stories—stories that reveal hearts eager to serve others with the gifts they’ve been entrusted. I look forward to Season 2. Tapings to begin soon.
On the writing front, if you want to know what I’m inquiring of the LORD, it’s that I gain the clarity, direction, and partnerships I need to release my next three works-in-progress well. One title is near-completion and I’ll begin sending queries soon. It’s often a slow and arduous process that takes a village, and I’m often reticent to ask for help—yours or the LORD’s. But I’m working on that.
On the teaching front, I had the joy of seeing a few students on campus last week. Reminded me of how much I love working with the bright promises of our future.
Until next time...